氏 名


職 名 教授
所 属 コミュニケーション情報学科  
連絡先 TEL  | FAX 
サイト等 https://researchmap.jp/7000016792

専門分野・研究分野 (Special Field of Study)

Psychometrics, Applied Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition


研究内容 (Subject of Study)


Measurement of Perceptual Learning Styles

Measurement of Implicit and Explicit Knowlege


Measurement of Language Learning Anxiety

Measurement of Learning Strategies

Measurement of Self Concept


主要な業績等 (Selected Publications)

  • 2007. "A construct-related validity study of a Korean version of the perceptual learning styles preference questionnaire." In Journal of Educational and Psychological Measurement. 67(2) 357-368. issn 0013-1644 (Journal Impact Factor: 0.831 - Ranked: 52 out of 93 in Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications,10 out of 11 in Psychology, Mathematical and 33 out of 50 in Psychology, Educational)
  • 2007. "Operational Definitions Of Explicit and Implicit Knowledge: A Critique of R. Ellis’s “Measuring Implicit and Explicit Knowledge of a Second Language: A Psychometric Study” (SSLA, 27, 141-172), and Some Recommendations for Future Research in this Area." In Studies in Second Language Acquisition. 29(1). 101-118 (Journal Impact Factor: 1.571 - Relative ranking within Categories: Linguistics 18/141)
  • 2007. "The Construct Validity of Scores on a Japanese Version of the Perceptual Component of the Style Analysis Survey” In System. 35(2). 134-147. (Elsevier Publications Journal) (Impact Factor 1.095)
  • 2008. “Scores on a Japanese-language version of the Learning Channel Preference Checklist: A questionable instrument within a questionable line of instrumentation.” In The Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 26(2) 148-155 (Impact Factor: 0.717 - Ranking: 37/50 in Psychology, Educational)
  • 2012 "Perceptual Learning Styles and Lessons in Psychometric Weakness.” In JALT Journal. 34(1) 5-33.

社会的貢献・活動等 (Social Contributions)

  • Presentations at a variety of high schools including the Super Science High School Project
  • Teacher  relicensing courses
  • Various editorial roles in leading research journals including JALT Journal, and the Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment

主要な所属学会 (Societies Belong To)


  • 大学院社会文化科学研究科
  • 熊本大学文学部附属永青文庫研究センター
  • 熊本大学文学部附属漱石・八雲教育研究センター
  • 熊本大学文学部附属国際マンガ学教育研究センター

国立大学法人熊本大学 文学部
